On mange quoi aujourd'hui chez Maryline?

On mange quoi aujourd'hui chez Maryline?

Warm French goat's cheese Salad


For 4 persons




1 lettuce

1 log of French goat's cheese

8 slices of baguette bread


Garlic vinaigrette

1 teaspoon of mustard

salt and pepper

4 soupspoons of olive oil

2 soupsoons of vinegar

1 crushed garlic glove


  1. Wash the lettuce,  dry it and place the leaves onto the plates
  2. Prepare the vinaigrette with the ingredients listed above in their order and mix well. Then, add the vinaigrette onto the lettuce.
  3. Cut the log of goat's cheese into medium thick slices.
  4. put one slice of cheese onto 1 slice of bread.
  5. Put the bread and cheese under a grill for 3 to 4 minutes until the cheese softens and becomes slightly brown
  6. Place 2 goat's cheese croutons per person onto the lettuce and serve immediately!

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